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Monday, June 01, 2009

The UDC flexible Oled display.

OMG! UDC has just announced it's figured out how to make FLEXIBLE oled displays! You simple *must* check out the link at Gizmodo (just click on the title of this post)!

Oled is the new technology that makes for great, low-power displays and monitors. However, the fabrication tech used by Samsung is very, VERY expensive. And it requires the use of a glass surface which means there's no flexibility. Anyone who's used an e-ink ebook reader knows that non-flexible also means 'easy to break', which is a big no-no for portable devices.

The fab method devised by Universal Display Corporation (UDC) allows for flexible displays and is less expensive than that used by Samsung. "Any day now" (read: up to five years from now) we should see cheap, flexible oled displays. But we should see (not cheap) flexible displays quite soon.

Hooray! E-book readers with full-color displays!


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