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Near Space Press presents Net Assets



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I've got a problem here...

I've been lusting after a NuStep T5xr recumbent exercise machine for some time, but my personal finances are such that I cannot afford one on my own dime. I've had a blog set up to ask for donations but it's just not working - no donations! It runs out on April 4th and I'm thinking of letting it fade away. The problem with this is that I can't find any used ones and the new ones run over $5,600 plus shipping. What makes it worse is that while I'm losing, I'm still well over 570 pounds and the other exercise devices out there either don't handle my weight or they're just as expensive with none of the benefits. Anyone got ideas? No, grant funding or organized charitable help is not available - been there, found out there ain't any. And NuStep expects time-payments to not exceed 12 months which puts it out of my range. Nor do I have a hidden savings account, stocks, bonds or high-limit credit card. I'm willing to consider any reasonable ideas.

BTW, I'll be taking time these next few weeks to get Carl Bussjaeger's "Net Assets" set up as an ebook over at Amazon - and at Barnes & Noble for their Nook as well if it is possible. Please, if you like libertarian science fiction, look for "Net Assets" and tell your friends!


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