Derek's Blog Page

Can a libertarian curmudgeon survive in a post 9/11 America? Is it possible to create the perfect meal on a Baby Q grill? Will Elaine finally succumb to her innermost desires? Check out my novels - which I am excerpting to separate blogs as I write them. Just click on my Profile button to access their links.

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Location: Citrus Heights, California


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Monday, November 23, 2009

So I've been dinking around with my Kindle 2...

And I finally got a decent format of my (work-in-progress) novel "HomeBrew". The nice thing about this is that you can get larger and smaller fonts as well as bolding and italics (and different font families) in the same ebook and they'll display better than what you currently get with the mobipocket version of the Bookeen Cybook Gen3.

The more I use my new K2, the more I like it over my Gen3. Sure, I'd still like a better folder management system, but I really enjoy this Kindle!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

L Neil Smith has it right.

True democracy is founded upon the belief that two people have the right to tell a third person what to do - by way of votes. And further, that the hidden message is that if the third person doesn't acquiesce quietly, the first two can always resort to violence to force compliance.

So how is that 'freedom'? Think about it for a minute.

How is being forced to do something you don't want to, or to NOT do something that gives you pleasure, equate to you, an individual, being free? Let's set aside for the moment any discussion of imprisonment, restitution or other punishment for the real, basic, crimes such as rape, murder, theft, assault and child molestation. How does preventing a person from smoking, or talking on the cell while driving, make one 'freer'? Furthermore, how does forcing one to buy health insurance, or automotive insurance or even homeowner's or flood insurance increase an individual's freedom?

It doesn't.

And it's not just all these major laws, we're also faced with masses of punitive regulations and even neighborhood covenants which all restrict our personal freedom of choice and action for no good reason. (So who cares if old Mr. Pebblebottom down the street decides to hem his home with a privacy hedge? Or that the Dalton's prefer their home be hot pink with purple trim? It's THEIR property!)

Maybe it's time to rethink whether democracy is any better than communism/socialism or totalitarianism, or even feudalism.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kindle For PC (beta) is here!

Kindle For PC (beta)

It's HERE!

You now can buy and read Kindle ebooks right on your Windows PC! The (beta test) version of Kindle For PC is now available for download at the link above. I've installed it on my Windows Vista Home Premium machine (says it works with XP, Vista and Win7) and was able to immediately download my previously purchased Kindle ebooks.

This is a beta test version and they've got plans for new features in the works, but it does a great job right now, so don't hesitate, download and install it now! Sorry guys, but the Mac version isn't available yet - although they're working on it.