Derek's Blog Page

Can a libertarian curmudgeon survive in a post 9/11 America? Is it possible to create the perfect meal on a Baby Q grill? Will Elaine finally succumb to her innermost desires? Check out my novels - which I am excerpting to separate blogs as I write them. Just click on my Profile button to access their links.

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Location: Citrus Heights, California


Near Space Press presents Net Assets



Monday, December 24, 2007

Not Another E-Book's storefront is up!!!


Our storefront is (almost) up! The storefront itself is up. You can now create your personal account information and you can add the NAEB-packaged Cybook Gen3 package into your Shopping Cart.

However, Paypal's giving us technical problems so until they get resolved or we get our *OTHER* credit card processor linked, you can't actually check out. Sorry, but we should be up by Wednesday or Thursday.

Anyway, have a Merry Christmas! The included image to this post is something I threw together from three separate Photoshop tutorials. Enjoy!