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Near Space Press presents Net Assets



Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm becoming an Amazon small publisher

It is called Near Space Press and I'll be first releasing a Kindle version of Carl Bussjaeger's "Net Assets", followed shortly by a Kindle version of his collected short stories, "The Anarchists". I hope to have a trade paperback version of each available by late May or early June of this year.

As "Net Assets" is fully edited and we have a basic cover for it, I'm just waiting for an ISBN number before releasing the Kindle version. Price will be $9.99 and on the first day it's available it will be a $0.00 price. The price of the Trade paperback version, when it's released, will be $15.99.

Obviously, while I love Carl's works, Near Space Press will seek out other authors who are writing libertarian fiction (and libertarian non-fiction for those of you who've written these) and have found no home with the established publishing houses. For the Kindle editions, we'll offer you a better royalty rate than what you'd get from those older firms and we'll be willing to offer dual releases (ebook and tpb) on each title accepted for publication.


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